Team: Lichfield

Team Details: Lichfield

Last updated: 5 Feb, 2024
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Own Tradition Lic Lichfield
Year Founded
Ceased (year)
General Notes
Seasonal Customs
Armitage Mummers
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Photos: Lichfield

Dance Repertoire for Lichfield

Trad Dance StyleOriginSet HandsNotes Team Variations
Lichfield Bare Footed Quaker Cots.. Lichfield 8 Hankies 1 (own tradition)
Lichfield Bower Processional Cots.. Lichfield as many as will 2 elm bran.. 1 (own tradition)
Lichfield Castlering Cots.. Lichfield 8 Hankies 1 (own tradition)
Lichfield Milley's Bequ.. Cots.. Lichfield 8 2 Long sti.. 1 (own tradition)
Lichfield Nuts In May Cots.. Lichfield 8 Long stick 1 (own tradition)
Lichfield Ring of Bells Cots.. Lichfield 8 2 long sti.. 2 (own tradition)
Lichfield Shepherd's Hey Cots.. Lichfield 3 Nothing 0 (own tradition)
Lichfield Sheriff's Ride Cots.. Lichfield 8 Hankies 1 (own tradition)
Lichfield Vandals Of Hammerw.. Cots.. Lichfield 8 Long stick 2 (own tradition)
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Dance style: #Cotswold
This is the #MDDBprofile summary for Lichfield provided by the Morris Dance Database