Team: Breathless in Berthoud

Team Details: Breathless in Berthoud

Last updated: 3 Sep, 2020
NameBreathless in Berthoud
Web site
StyleBorder, Molly
Own Tradition Bib Breathless in Berthoud
Year Founded
Ceased (year)
General Notes
Seasonal Customs
Archive Notes

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Photos: Breathless in Berthoud

Dance Repertoire for Breathless in Berthoud

Trad Dance StyleOriginSet HandsNotes Team Variations
Bassett St.. Belligerant Bluejay Border Bassett .. 4 long stick 1
Shropshire.. Bishop's Castle Border unspecif.. undefined 0 tunes
Breathless.. Blackleg Miner Molly undefined 0 (own tradition)
Breathless.. Burning of the Pip.. Border Breathle.. undefined 0 (own tradition)
Bassett St.. Cuckoo's Nest Border Bassett .. Pairs Long stick 0
Field Town Curly Headed Ploug.. Cots.. unspecif.. 6 Hankies 0
Dilwyn Dilwyn Border Roy Domm.. 6, multiples of 2 Short stick 1
Bassett St.. Drunken Idiot Border Bassett .. 4 stick, tan.. 1 links
Gog Magog Fenland Safari Molly Gog Magog 4 Nothing 0 notes
Shropshire.. Four Lane End Border Shropshi.. 4 stick 1
Ockington Four Man One Stick Border Ockington 4 long stick 0
unspecified Inertia Reel Molly 6 nothing 0 links
unspecified Katy Cruel Molly Rick Nag.. 4 1
Boggart's Lorenz's Butt.. Border Boggart&.. 4 Long stick 0
Bassett St.. Morning Star Border Bassett .. 3, 4 2 short st.. 1
Red Stags Mr Dolly Border Red Stags 4 long stick 0
Pershore Pershore Stick Dance Border Pershore 6, 8, 10 long stick 1
Boggart's Playground Border Boggart&.. undefined Stick 0
Exmoor Bor.. Porlock Hill Border Exmoor B.. 8 Long stick 0 notes
Long Barrow Ragged Crow Border Wolf.. 4 Stick 1
unspecified Roundabout Mary Border unspecif.. undefined 0
unspecified Sixteen Tons Molly undefined 0
Adderbury South Australia Cots.. Adelaide.. 6 Long stick 0 links
Seven Cham.. Take Five Molly Seven Ch.. 8 Nothing 0 links
Boggart's Takking Boggarts Border Boggart&.. 6 Stick 0 links
Grimspound Tinners Rabbits Border Grimspound 3 Long stick 0
Red Stags Titterstone Clee Border Red Stags 4 Stick 0
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Dance style: #Border, #Molly
This is the #MDDBprofile summary for Breathless in Berthoud provided by the Morris Dance Database