Team: Pipe and Bowl

Team Details: Pipe and Bowl

Last updated: 10 Nov, 2023
NamePipe and Bowl
Web site
StyleCotswold, Longsword
Year Founded
Ceased (year)
General Notes
Based in San Francisco
Seasonal Customs
Archive Notes

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Photos: Pipe and Bowl

Dance Repertoire for Pipe and Bowl

Trad Dance StyleOriginSet HandsNotes Team Variations
Abbot's Br.. Abbot's Broml.. Other Abbot�.. 6 Antlers 0 links
unspecified Bacca Pipes Cots.. Pipe and.. 2 1
Headington Bean Setting Cots.. Headington 6 Short stick 1
unspecified Flowers Of The North Cots.. Pipe and.. 6 Hankies 1
Field Town Jug By The Ear Cots.. Field Town 6 Hankies 1
Adderbury Lads A Bunchum Cots.. Adderbury 4, 6, 8 Long stick 1 links
Sleights Sleights Long.. Alsop book 6 longsword 1 links
Field Town Stork, The Cots.. Pipe and.. 3 Hankies 1 links
Headington Trunkles Cots.. Headington 6 Hankies 1 links
Headington Young Collins Cots.. unspecif.. 6 Long Stick 0
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Dance style: #Cotswold, #Longsword
This is the #MDDBprofile summary for Pipe and Bowl provided by the Morris Dance Database