Team: Jersey Lilies

Team Details: Jersey Lilies

Last updated: 6 Feb, 2023
NameJersey Lilies
Web site
StyleBorder, Molly, Rapper, Percussive
CountryChannel Isles
Own Tradition Jer Jersey Lilies
Year Founded1978
Ceased (year)
General Notes
Seasonal Customs
Archive Notes

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Photos: Jersey Lilies

Dance Repertoire for Jersey Lilies

Trad Dance StyleOriginSet HandsNotes Team Variations
Chingford Upton on Severn (o.. Cots.. Peter Bo.. 6 Stick 1
Horsham Lucy of Lyne Cots.. Broadwoo.. 6 Long &.. 2
Jersey Lil.. Bacca Pipes Other Jersey L.. 1 1 (own tradition)
Lichfield Ring of Bells Cots.. Lichfield 8 2 long sti.. 2 links
Newbiggin Newbiggin Rapper Traditio.. 5 Rapper sword 0
Peopleton Peopleton Border Peopleton 4, 8 Short stick 0
White Ladi.. White Ladies Aston Border Roy Domm.. 8 stick 1
unspecified Peggy's Dance Long.. Jersey L.. 8 Longsword 0
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Dance style: #Border, #Molly, #Rapper, #Percussive
This is the #MDDBprofile summary for Jersey Lilies provided by the Morris Dance Database